Will Painting Calipers Void Warranty? – Comprehensive Guide

Will Painting Calipers Void Warranty

No, painting your calipers will not void your warranty as long as the paint used is a high-temperature-resistant paint intended for brake components. 

Whether painting calipers will void the warranty on them depends on the specific terms and conditions of the warranty provided by the manufacturer. 

Improper painting of brake components can cause issues with brake performance and potentially reduce the lifespan of the brakes. 

It’s always a good idea to check with the manufacturer or read the warranty terms carefully before making any modifications to a product that you believe might impact the warranty. 

If in doubt, it’s always best to err on caution and not make any modifications that might void the warranty. 

Factors that Affect Warranty Coverage

Factors that affect warranty coverage are:

Type of paint used:

The paint used to paint the calipers can impact warranty coverage. Some types of paint can contain chemicals or solvents that can damage the calipers or interfere with their operation, which may void the warranty.

Application method:

How the paint is applied can also affect warranty coverage. If the paint is not applied correctly, it could cause damage to the calipers or interfere with their operation, which may void the warranty.

Warranty terms:

The specific terms of the warranty provided by the manufacturer will determine whether painting the calipers will void the warranty. Some manufacturers may explicitly state that any modification to the product, including painting, will void the warranty, while others may have no issue with it.

Purpose of painting:

The purpose for which the calipers are being painted can also impact warranty coverage. The warranty does not impact if the painting is done for cosmetic reasons only. However, the warranty may be voided if the painting is done to protect the calipers from damage or to change their operational characteristics.

Quality of paint job:

The quality of the paint job can also impact warranty coverage. Poorly executed paint jobs can damage the calipers or interfere with their operation, which may void the warranty.

Also Read: How To Get Tire Shine Off Car Paint?

Professional vs DIY Painting of Calipers

Professional Painting:


  • Professional painters have the experience and equipment to produce a high-quality, long-lasting paint job.
  • Having the calipers painted by a professional can minimize the risk of damaging the calipers or voiding the warranty.
  • Professional painters can complete the job in a relatively short amount of time, freeing up your time for other activities.


  • Professional painting can be more expensive than DIY painting, especially if you factor in the cost of materials and equipment.

DIY Painting:


  • DIY painting can be significantly less expensive than professional painting, especially if you already have the necessary materials and equipment.
  • With DIY painting, you have complete control over the colour and finish, allowing you to create a custom look for your calipers.
  • Completing a DIY painting project can be a rewarding experience, giving you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.


  • If you don’t have experience with painting, you may end up with a subpar finish or damage to the calipers.
  • DIY painting can be time-consuming, especially if you have limited experience.
  • Improperly executed DIY painting can damage the calipers or interfere with their operation, which may void the warranty.

Also Read: Can I Use House Paint On A Car?

Recommended Procedures for Painting Calipers

Different people use different methods for painting calipers. Generally, these are few steps with is helpful for you:

  1. Make sure to remove the brake calipers from the vehicle entirely. Use a jack to raise the vehicle off the ground before starting the removal process.
  1. Use a wire brush to remove any surface rust or dirt, and then wash with mild detergent and water. Dry completely with a clean cloth.
  1. Sand lightly with 1500-grit sandpaper. Wipe clean again with a lint-free cloth.
  1. Apply masking tape around the hub and rotor area to avoid spray paint from getting on them.
  1. Shake primer and paint cans thoroughly to mix them properly and apply a thin, even coat of high-temperature primer to both sides of the caliper using a 2″ paintbrush or foam paint roller. Allow drying for 1-2 hours before applying additional coats.
  1. Once the primer is dry, apply multiple thin, even coats of your desired high-temperature automotive finish paint until an even color is achieved, and remove the masking tape from around the hub and rotor area before it dries completely. 
  1. Before driving the vehicle, check the brakes for proper operation and inspect the calipers for any signs of damage or defects.

Also Read: Can You Put Windex On The Car Paint?

Risks and Benefits of Painting Calipers

Painting calipers can provide both risks and benefits, and it’s important to carefully consider these factors before making a decision.


Improved appearance: One of the main benefits of painting calipers is the improved appearance of the vehicle. A fresh coat of paint can enhance the look of the calipers and add a touch of style to the vehicle.

Increased protection: Painting the calipers can help protect them from rust and corrosion, extending their lifespan and improving their overall performance.

Customization: With painting, you have complete control over the color and finish, allowing you to create a custom look for your calipers that matches your vehicle’s style.


Warranty impact: Improperly executed painting can damage the calipers or interfere with their operation, which may void the warranty.

Quality of paint job: Poorly executed paint jobs can damage the calipers or provide a subpar finish, reducing the vehicle’s overall appearance.

Increased maintenance: Painting the calipers requires ongoing maintenance to keep the paint looking its best, including washing, waxing, and reapplying the clear coat as needed.

Does painting brake calipers affect performance?

Painting brake calipers in and of itself does not affect their performance. However, if the painting process is not executed properly, it can lead to issues that may impact the performance of the brakes.

For example, if the paint used is too thick or applied unevenly, it can interfere with the movement of the calipers, affecting their ability to clamp onto the rotors and stop the vehicle. 

It’s also important to consider that painting the calipers can introduce air into the brake system, which can lead to a soft or spongy pedal. 

Click And Collect More information: Paint For Vehicles


In conclusion, whether painting calipers will void the warranty depends on the specific circumstances and the manufacturer’s warranty policies. 

Some manufacturers may prohibit any modifications or alterations to the brake components. 

In contrast, others may allow painting as long as it is done properly and does not affect the performance or safety of the brakes.

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